Training Contracts London 2021

Training Contracts London 2021: A Comprehensive Guide

For law students and graduates looking to embark on a career in law, training contracts in London are highly sought-after. These contracts provide the necessary practical experience required to become a qualified solicitor, making it an essential stepping stone for anyone looking to progress in the legal industry.

However, securing a training contract in London is not an easy task, with competition being fierce. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll be taking a closer look at what training contracts in London are, what they entail, and what you need to do to increase your chances of securing one.

What is a Training Contract?

A training contract is a two-year period of on-the-job training that is required to become a qualified solicitor or barrister in the United Kingdom. This training period involves a combination of practical work experience and legal education. Training contracts are usually offered by law firms, and there are typically two or three intake periods each year.

What Does a Training Contract Entail?

During a two-year training contract, you’ll be given the opportunity to work in different areas of law, such as corporate, commercial, or litigation. You’ll also be assigned a supervisor who will act as your mentor and guide you during your training period.

The training contract will typically consist of four six-month seats, where you’ll have the opportunity to work in different departments within the law firm. This allows you to gain exposure to a range of clients, legal issues, and legal skills.

Aside from the on-the-job training, you’ll also be required to complete a Professional Skills Course (PSC) in your second year of training. The PSC is a compulsory course that covers topics such as advocacy, client care, and business skills.

How to Secure a Training Contract in London

Securing a training contract in London is a competitive process, but there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting one. Here are some top tips:

1. Research Law Firms

Before you apply for a training contract, research the law firms you’re interested in. Look at their client base, practice areas, and company culture. This will help you tailor your application to each individual law firm and show that you’ve done your research.

2. Attend Law Fairs

Attending law fairs is a great way to meet recruiters from different law firms and learn more about the industry. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get a feel for the different firms.

3. Gain Work Experience

Try to gain as much work experience as possible before applying for training contracts. This could be through vacation schemes or internships. This will show law firms that you have a genuine interest in the legal profession and have some experience in the field.

4. Tailor Your Application

Tailor your application to each law firm you’re applying to. Highlight your relevant experience, skills, and interests that align with the firm’s values and requirements.

5. Prepare for Interviews

If you’re invited for an interview, prepare thoroughly. Research the firm, practice your interview techniques, and brush up on your knowledge of the legal industry.


Securing a training contract in London is a competitive process, but with the right preparation and approach, it’s possible. Researching law firms, gaining work experience, and tailoring your application can all help you stand out from the competition. Ultimately, a training contract in London is a valuable stepping stone towards becoming a qualified solicitor and achieving your career goals in the legal industry.